What are Affiliated Charter Schools?
Who is eligible?
What is the CHOICES on-time application timeline?
Who can attend an Affiliated Charter School?
If I apply for an Affiliated Charter School and live outside of the L.A. Unified School District boundaries, do I need a permit?
Do students that live in the school’s attendance boundary need to apply through CHOICES?
How do students that apply get selected for admission to an Affiliated Charter School?
When and how will the lottery be conducted?
I have a child already attending the Affiliated Charter School, will my applying child get a sibling priority?
I have applied for siblings that share the same birth date (twins, triplets, etc.). What happens if one gets selected in the lottery and the other does not?
Will there be any changes to how parents apply if my Affiliated Charter School is also a full magnet, SAS, or Multilingual Multicultural Program?
Who is responsible for notifying parents of their selection and waitlist status?
What if I missed the on-time application window? How does the late application process work?
Can a student/family accept multiple placements?
Can an applicant remain on waitlist(s) if they accept a CHOICES placement?
Is there transportation?
Who can I contact for more information?