Chatsworth Charter High School & G+STEAM Magnet Center

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Memoirs » Dr.Smith and the Rolling Stones

Dr.Smith and the Rolling Stones

Sender Tim (Sticky) Fields
Posted On 2007-09-05
Year 1964 or 65
The haze of 40 plus has faded my memory a bit but does anyone out there remember the summer day at around 2:30 a song by the Stones came out of every speaker in the school? I still have the memory of Dr. Smith turning every knob and switch on the pa console trying to turn the music off with no effect. Well, it was I and another member of the stage crew that did the deed. I think they knew who did it but put it down to youthful enthusiasm.

For those of you who did not know Dr. Smith you missed one of the greatest educators and friend this student every had.

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