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Memoirs » Class of 1999 Reunion Planned Yet??

Class of 1999 Reunion Planned Yet??

Sender Lisa Maffia-Reynoso
Posted On 2008-06-19
Year 1999
Memoir Just curious as to who is in charge of putting together the reunion for CHS Class of '99...Please email me if you might know...or email me just cuz =) If you remember me, you probably do because of my last name..MAFFIA...well, I'm married now and couldnt bring myself to drop such a cool last name, and also, for those of you who have known me since Chats. Park Elem or from Lawrence, and knew my Dad, he passed away in 2002, which made even more sense to keep my last name in his honor...SO I am now Lisa Maffia-Reynoso...=) Cheers!

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