Chatsworth Charter High School & G+STEAM Magnet Center

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Memoirs » Lost memories

Lost memories

Sender Glenda Weatherspoon-Smith
Posted On 2009-11-08
Year 1967
Memoir That was a bad year....I was one of many that was injured or killed in a car wreck due to drugs, alcohol or just bad judgement. I am hoping to find records of my attendance there since I remember almost nothing of my time there. I had a bad head injury and was out of school off and on for a year....came back and went to the prom before quitting....everyone I knew had graduated and didn't care much about school at that point. The only names I remember are two neighbors...Carla Boslow? Al Kobeski, and one of the other passengers in the car with me was Gail. I was very interested in Art and still am. I remember we used to walk to school from a cul-de-sac surrounded by orange or avacado groves and we used to go to Van Nuys Blvd on weekends. There was a strip of asphalt nearby where people used to race each other for bragging rights and sometimes car titles. I dated a guy named Mitch Blumenthal from Encino.

Thanks for your help.

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