Chatsworth Charter High School & G+STEAM Magnet Center

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Welcome to Mrs. Ramirez's webpage.

Welcome to Chemistry. I will be your professional facilitator to guide you through the various introductory concepts of Chemistry, or mathematically advanced concepts through Honors, or advanced experimental theories through AP Chemistry. I love several things about teaching Chemistry, but what I absolutely look forward to each year are the moments where students relish in their confidence of Chemistry knowledge. My goal this year is to be creative in finding ways to still allow many opportunities for students to have the precious "light bulb" moments. Please join me this year with an open mind and open heart as we embark on this new journey.


Choose your course in the directory panel to find summer assignments and other course information.


Communication is key. Use the means that works best for you to communicate what is working well, hardships, and absences to develop plans for maximum success.

Contact Info

Remind code: text the code to 81010
Chemistry: @chemtoast
Honors: @hchemtoast
AP:  @apctoast
Interactions @intertoast

[email protected] or [email protected]
    If you need to attach an assignment please use Schoology or your own email account and send to the address above instead of using the link below.

Thank you.
Looking forward to enjoying the creativeness of students' Chemistry knowledge.