Chatsworth Charter High School & G+STEAM Magnet Center

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Health and Wellness

health n wellness

Los Angeles Unified recognizes the critical relationship between the health and well-being of our students and academic achievement – our children must be healthy to be educated and be educated to be healthy. The Blueprint for Wellness Policy is Los Angeles Unified’s wellness policy and guide for implementing a comprehensive health and wellness plan. The following are wellness areas of focus in the Blueprint for Wellness Policy: Nutrition Services, Physical Education, Health Education, Health Services, Positive Attendance, Building Resiliency, Safe Environment, Staff Wellness, as well as Parent and Community Involvement. This wellness policy is designed to encompass student, parent/legal guardian, staff, and community wellness.

Additional information and resources are available at: or by phone at (213) 241-3850.



Blueprint for Wellness Policy

Health Information

  • Communicable Disease Prevention
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Immunization Requirements
  • Medication in Schools
  • Oral Health Information
  • Medical Care on Field Trips
  • Physical Examinations
  • COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocols
  • School Mental Health
  • School Mental Health Clinic and Wellness Centers Overview and Referral Procedures
  • Suicide Prevention, Intervention, & Postvention
  • Wellness Centers in Los Angeles Unified

Nurse-Family Partnership

School-Based Medi-Cal Services

Student Health Insurance

Parent/Guardian Annual Notification Regarding Condom Availability Program (CAP)



The following items and more can be found on the student Handbook. 

For information on LAUSD Mental Health support please visit the site below