English Language Arts Instruction for the 21st Century
What is it?
Literacy has always been a collection of cultural and communicative practices shared among members of particular groups. As society and technology change, so does literacy. Incorporation of 21st-century skills—such as communication, collaboration, information literacy, and media literacy—into a traditional English curriculum enhanced with critical thinking and problem solving opportunities. Emphasis is on inquiry, analysis, and real world application. Curriculum includes integration of multiple disciplines: arts, mathematics, science, and history
Why is it necessary?
Global economies, new technologies, and exponential growth in information are transforming our society. Today's employees engage with a technology-driven, diverse, and quickly changing world. English Language Arts teachers need to prepare students for this world with problem solving, collaboration, and analysis — as well as skills with word processing, software applications, hypertext, LCDs, Webcams, podcasts, smartboards, and social networking software — central to individual and community success.
CCHS English Department Program Elements
Textbook - MyPerspectives
College Preparation – Expository Readers and Writers Curriculum (ERWC)
All grade levels include ERWC units, the non-fiction centered reading, writing, speaking and listening program designed in conjunction with CSU Writing professors to adequately prepare students for writing success in college courses.
Project-Based Learning (PBL)
Career Centered Learning
Personalized curriculum tailored around SLC themes and skill sets
National Council of Teachers of English, NCTE, 2018
Pearson Publishing
CSU Success
Buck Institute for Education