PROMT: Ensure all assignments are submitted according to deadline. Class attendance is also important to help students benefit from the course.
PREPARED: Students must be prepared by bringing all required materials, stay on task, and participate actively in class discussions, and group activities.
POLITE: Be respectful towards teacher, classmates and the diversity in the classroom. Encourage one another and stay united as a team.
PRODUCTIVE: Do the assigned work. Actively participate in class.
Behavior not acceptable During class:
-More than 3 tardies
- Inappropriate language.
-Copying /cheating.
-use of phone, earphones, ear pods.
1. Teacher talks to student.
2. Student's parent is contacted (Teacher make a report about the incident on MISIS and it will become part of the student's permanent record.)
3. Student is referred to dean (Teacher make another report about the incident on MISIS to be part of the student's permanent record.)
NOTE: CCHS will /might take further actions.