Class syllabus
Chatsworth HS
ELD 4 Level C Volume 1 Units 1 - 3 Fall Semester 2020
ELD 4 Level C Volume 2 Units 4 - 6 Spring Semester 2021
Sr. RayaMedina Rm. T-95
Course Description and
Objectives: The training focus domains are: Listen, Speak, Read, and Write that emphasize three essential groups and questions with their respective writing assessment (expressive, explanatory, descriptive, and narrative). The instructional approach and resource manager will be used to provide students with extended practice and opportunity to improve their skills in language acquisition domains while learning content in their core subjects. Students should be able to advance one or more ELD levels per year as required by Annual Monthly Academic Goal 1 (AMAO 1) as shown in the ELPAC assessment test.
Required text: Edge Fundamentals Volumes 1 and 2
Materials and supplies required:
It is very important to be prepared and ready every day.
Dictionary, Planner, Textbook, Workbook, Folder, Black/Red/Blue Pen, Pen and Notebook.
Qualification Policy: The final grades are determined by the following rating scale:
A -90 - 100 B - 80 - 89 C - 70 - 79 D - 60 - 69 F - 59 or lower
Work habits and cooperation: E's excellent S's satisfactory U's unsatisfactory
All grades are based on formative and summary assessments.
Cluster & Unit Tests - 40% Homework & Class Participation - 40%
Write Assignment - % 20
Attendance: It is very important to come to school every day. Your academic success depends on assistance in receiving daily instruction. Your child will also be responsible for assignments that fail even when the student did not attend class.
Clasroom Rules:
1. Keep electronic devices away
2. Be punctual and prepared for Class
3. Be respectful
4. Be safe and responsible
5. Use time wisely - Consequences
for not following the rules:
1. Verbal warning
2. Phone call to parents
3. Parenting Conference
4. The parent sits with their child in the classroom
I_____________________________ has read and understands my child's responsibilities in his/her classroom. I will advise and support my son to be respectful and abide by the rules.
PARENT, YOUR CHILDAND THE PADRE______________________ Name TEACHER and firma_____________________
estudiante_____________________ Name and firma_____________________padres__________________ Phone Number and