Students' Responsibilities
- Students are to report to class and go with their teacher and class as a group to Chancellor Hall. Strays and late comers will not be admitted.
- Students will sit in assigned seats, fill in rows as they are seated, and remain in their seats.
- Students will quietly and quickly follow directions of adult in charge so that the assembly can begin on time.
- Students will demonstrate proper conduct and show respect to the presenters at all times.
- Students will stay in their seats until dismissed by the adult in charge.
Administrative Responsibilities
A Little Something About Chatsworth
Athletic Coaches
Assembly Procedures
Referral Room (Dean's Office Policy)
Department Chairperson
Extracurricular Activities
Harassment Policy
Health Information
Smoking Policy
Special Instructional Programs
Student Orientation
Student Responsibilities
Support Programs
Support Staff
Tardy Policy
Types of Sexual Harassment