Health Cards and Health Office Referrals Students who complain of being ill should be sent to the Healthy Office using as pass. A full-time nurse and assistant are on duty. If as student becomes injured during class and is ambulatory, send another student with the injured student. If the student cannot be moved, do what you can to provide emergency first aid, and send a student to the Health Office to get help. On occasion, teachers receive a notification to read and initial the Health Information Card from the School Nurse. This is a confidential reporting of a student's healthy problem and is provided so that the teacher may be alerted to any problems that may arise. The information is confidential; after reading the information, the teacher initials the card. Questions regarding student healthy problems are referred to the nurse. Immunizations New students will not be admitted to school unless a written immunization record provided by a physician or the healthy department is presented at the time of enrollment and immunizations are up to date. Students who require additional vaccine doses or who lack a written record are no longer allowed a grace period. All Student new to the District or transfer student within the District must show that they have received all required immunizations in order to be enrolled. The Immunization status of all students will be reviewed periodically. Those students who do not meet the state guidelines must be excluded from school until the requirements are met. Students who have been exposed to a communicable disease for which they have not been immunized must be excluded from school at the discretion of the health department. Tuberculosis All new students entering Grades 6-12 who have never previously attended any school in California must be present documentation of the results of a Mantoux test done at some previous time. Students entering grades 6-12 from any other California public, private, or parochial school are exempt from this requirement. Medications A student who needs to take medication during school hours must have a statement to this effect on file at the school signed by the prescribing physician and the parent/guardian. The required forms are available from the school nurse or administrator. School health personnel do not prescribe or give advice regarding medication or other care beyond first aid. Physical Examinations Students enrolling for the first time in LAUSD secondary school are encouraged to provide the school with a report of a recent physical examination. Forms for this purpose may be obtained from the nurse. Physical examinations as required for Special Education programs may be done by licensed physicians. If parents/guardians do no wish to have their child examined at school, they must file an annual written statement to that effect with the administrator. Screening of vision and hearing will be done in accordance with State guidelines. Parents will be notified of any findings in these mandated screening test which require further attention. Each Students in Grades 9-12 planning to participate in interscholastic athletic competition must pass a physical examination yearly by a California licensed physician and surgeon to comply with District policy. Students participating in cheerleading, drill team, or marching band must have a report on file of a physical taken during their school years. |
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Welcome Administrative Responsibilities A Little Something About Chatsworth Athletic Coaches Assembly Procedures Referral Room (Dean's Office Policy) Department Chairperson Extracurricular Activities Harassment Policy Health Information Smoking Policy Special Instructional Programs Student Orientation Student Responsibilities Support Programs Support Staff Tardy Policy Types of Sexual Harassment |