Eligibility Policy Students must be eligible to participate in any extra-curricular and co-curricular activities including athletics, band, drama, leadership, etc. District guidelines state that students must have a 2.0 grade point average at each 10 week grading period or they will be declared ineligible to participate in activities until the next 10 week grading period. In addition, school guidelines state that students receiving more than one "U" in cooperation within any 5 week grading period are also prohibited from participation in extra-curricular activities until the next 5 week report. Students must be free of textbook and library delinquencies as well as any other debts incurred for participation in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities and athletics. A delinquency list will be published several times a semester. Students can also check in the Media Center to see if any debts exist. Note: Eligibility is not checked for the Senior Prom, however a senior may not be on the Debt/Delinquency List to participate. |
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Welcome Administrative Responsibilities A Little Something About Chatsworth Athletic Coaches Assembly Procedures Referral Room (Dean's Office Policy) Department Chairperson Extracurricular Activities Harassment Policy Health Information Smoking Policy Special Instructional Programs Student Orientation Student Responsibilities Support Programs Support Staff Tardy Policy Types of Sexual Harassment |