Chatsworth Charter High School & G+STEAM Magnet Center

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Student Responsibilities
Dear Parents and Chancellors:

A quality education requires a young person to meet the responsibilities of being a student. Our School Rules and Dress Code are designed to promote a safe and orderly environment for students and staff and to provide classrooms that provide positive settings for learning. The CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 5, SECTION 300 defines the "Duties of Pupils" as follows: "Every student shall attend school punctually and regularly; confirm to the regulations of the school; obey promptly all the directions of his/her teachers and others in authority; be diligent in study; be respectful to his/her teachers and others in authority; be kind and courteous to schoolmates; and refrain from the use of profane and vulgar language."

Many of our specific rules of student behavior are listed below. The penalties or disciplinary actions taken (such as conferences, detention, suspension, transfers to other school, or expulsion from the District) may vary according to individual records and the severity of the violations. Please refer to the LAUSD "Parent-Student Handbook" for more detailed explanations of District attendance and discipline policies. Thank you for your support of our learning environment.
  • Observe State Regulations regarding "Duties of Pupils" noted above

  • CELL PHONES MUST BE TURNED OFF AND OUT OF SIGHT from the arrival at school until dismissal

  • Carry at Chatsworth High School PICTURE I.D. CARD at all times. Present card whenever requested by school personnel

  • Always follow the directions of School Personnel

  • Remain on campus at all times during the school day, unless you have proper authorization to leave.

  • Remain within designated areas during lunch period (within yellow lines). Keep food and drink out of building hallways.

  • LEAVE CAMPUS IMMEDIATELY at the end of your school day, unless involved in activity under direct adult supervision.

  • Arrive at school and at all classes on time. Never leave your class without a valid hall pass and I.D. card.

  • Dress according to the School Dress Code to reduce classroom distractions.

  • Do not disrupt classroom instruction or school activities. Do not damage or mark on property, material or textbooks.

  • Students must not ride bicycles and skateboards on campus

  • Students must park legally in areas designated for student parking and only with a permit

  • Do not enter bicycle or parking area except when entering or leaving campus

  • Deposit your liter in trashcans

  • Keep all electronic devices and sports/play equipment at home. These objects are a distraction. They are often stolen. The school cannot accept responsibility for their recovery.

  • Do not bring small children to School. Do not bring relatives/friends to school.  All visitors must obtain a visitor's pass from the office before visiting the campus.


Administrative Responsibilities

A Little Something About Chatsworth

Athletic Coaches

Assembly Procedures

Referral Room (Dean's Office Policy)

Department Chairperson

Extracurricular Activities

Harassment Policy

Health Information

Smoking Policy

Special Instructional Programs

Student Orientation

Student Responsibilities

Support Programs

Support Staff

Tardy Policy

Types of Sexual Harassment